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01925 812809 Unit 19 Riverside Ind Est, Woolston, Warrington, WA1 4BA Hours: Mon to Fri 8am-4.30pm Sat's closed for the foreseeable future.


Stronghold GRP Flat Roofing System

Stronghold GRP flat roofing systems
•Suitable for balconies, walkways and standard flat roof applications
•Stronghold flat roofs achieve a BS 476-3; 2004 EXT.F.AA Fire Rating
•No further covering is required to achieve the AA standard. No spread of flame occurs as standard. No restrictions on use
•All Stronghold materials are manufactured for flat roofing applications by the worlds leading resin and glass reinforcing manufacturers
•25 year materials guarantee available at no extra cost
•Training is not required for experienced grp installers
•Stronghold GRP roofing materials are suitable for use in all seasons

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